From COVID to War: Organizing work in turbulent times | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

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From COVID to War: Organizing work in turbulent times - 2022

Speakers: Evgeniy Labunskiy (Head of Agile Practices at PandaDoc) and Sergey Barysiuk (CTO&co-founder of PandaDoc).

История чата трансляции

  • Daria Poliakova [admin]:
    Please, notice this event will be held in English. See you on April 28th from 19:00 ( Kyiv, UTC+3)
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    hey here :)
  • Никита:
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    we will start soon )
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    as this is a charity event, we are open for donates for UA Army tactical equipement
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:

    Account: Yevhenii Labunskyi
    МОНО UAH: 5375411413549168
    MОНО EUR: 5375419908982067

  • Oksana Petrenko:
  • Ihor Pavlenko:
  • Alina:
  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
  • Христина:
    👍 Hello!
  • Oleg Klimenko:
  • Radmila Tsvietkovych:
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:

    Account: Yevhenii Labunskyi
    МОНО UAH: 5375411413549168
    MОНО EUR: 5375419908982067

  • Oksana Petrenko:
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    thank you!!!!
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    Product & Eng = development, product management, design etc
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    write questions if you have
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
  • Ihor Pavlenko:
    imho, it's impossible to filter by the "culture" during the hiring process only. Is it filtered during... some period in PandaDoc?
  • Dmitry:
    Do you share information with your employees on potential new projects?
  • Ihor Pavlenko:
    Thanks :)
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:

    btw we are hiring in Ukraine
    we did not stop hiring process

  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:

    reminder, we are collecting donates for UA Army tactical quipement
    Account: Yevhenii Labunskyi
    МОНО UAH: 5375411413549168

  • Oksana Petrenko:
    so your teams are self-managed? no PMs?
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:

    Account: Yevhenii Labunskyi
    МОНО UAH: 5375411413549168
    MОНО EUR: 5375419908982067

  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    we are using less framework
  • Oksana Petrenko:
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    its our tracks

  • Марина:
    which metrics do you use?
  • Alexey Krivitsky:
  • Dmitry:
    really cool principle on how to define a track. thanx for the insight!
  • Anna:

    what about cross-dependencies between tracks? priority in one track might not be the
    same for the other track.

  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    will repeat here: we have independent teams as they are structured this way. how we made this is well explained in this video
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
  • Anna:
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    more questions!
  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
    What are the metrics used for tracking the effectiveness of the tracks / teams results and achievements of the goals.
  • Dmitry:
    How do you do budgeting on DevEx teams? And/or metrics
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    achieving the goals is the metric for teams/tarcks
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    inside we are using OKRs, W-framework
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    @Dima - what do you mean here about budgeting?
  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
    how are you measuring the speed and assessment of the waist / slack time / inefficient process
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    1. we are only worry when there is no slack time - we want people to have slack time, there is no goal to keep everyone buzy
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    we are looking to various metrics: lead time, deployemnt time, feature lead time, sprint-to-sprint organisational velocity
  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:

    Account: Yevhenii Labunskyi
    МОНО UAH: 5375411413549168
    MОНО EUR: 5375419908982067

  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
    going back to the tracks, with this whole current structure what is your average goals achieved sprints delivery rate?
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    Sprint Review (our process)

  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
    who is owning / facilitating this overall alignment of all the goals and progress around them (like all that Sergey shown in Coda)
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
    Questions time!
  • Марина:
    are you hiring SMs in Portugal? :)
  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
    how many teams are overseen by 1 PdM, 1 SM, 1 EngL, and 1 DesL? and are you able to comment or show on your org chart in R&D & Eng
  • Dmitry:
    The site only mentions one job vacancy in Ukraine. Is that an error?
  • Evgeniy Labunskiy [admin]:
  • Dmitry:
    Any interesting cases of failed ideas? Maybe something you did in org design and later understood that it was a bad idea?
  • Ivan Pohrebniyak:
    thank you guys for sharing your story! and congrats on becoming a unicorn and constantly learning and evolving!
  • Наталія:
    any advice to those who would like to start the transformation?
  • Наталія:
    thanks 😂
  • Alisa Antyshyna:
    Thank you guys for this session! 😀
  • Oleg Klimenko:
    Thank you! cool session!
  • Radmila Tsvietkovych:
    Thank you a lot!
  • Anna:
  • Daria:

    Thanks for the session!

Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

We are holding this webinar to support Ukrainians and collect donations for Ukraine.

Join us as we explore issues ranging from agile transformation to mental health in teams and companies under the guidance of our trainers and expert market practitioners. Our experts share their experience and insights into how to survive and thrive in the current turbulent situation.

On April 28 from 19:00 to 20:30 we will hold a webinar with Evgeniy Labunskiy (Head of Agile Practices at PandaDoc) and Sergey Barysiuk (CTO&co-founder of PandaDoc) on the topic “From COVID to War: Organizing work in turbulent times”.

The world changes so fast that you cannot predict what will be around the next corner. In PandaDoc we are familiar with turbulence environment and became an experts in overcoming such challenges.
COVID, Belarus revolution, Russian-Ukraine war: this all happened during last 2 years with our R&D centers. During our talk we will cover structural and managerial decisions that helped us to make a great performance and became a billion dollars evaluated company.

It is important for leaders to take a comprehensive approach to change initiatives, anticipate risks and rethink their workforce management which can help tackle challenges, help their team adjust to any changes that may come, and move forward in a positive direction.

Event Language. Please, notice this event will be held in English. There won't be any translation into your native language.

Guest speaker:
Sergey Barysiuk, CTO and co-founder of PandaDoc


Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® в ScrumAlliance
Язык мероприятия: английский.

Описание мероприятия

We are holding this webinar to support Ukrainians and collect donations for Ukraine.

Join us as we explore issues ranging from agile transformation to mental health in teams and companies under the guidance of our trainers and expert market practitioners. Our experts share their experience and insights into how to survive and thrive in the current turbulent situation.

On April 28 from 19:00 to 20:30 we will hold a webinar with Evgeniy Labunskiy (Head of Agile Practices at PandaDoc) and Sergey Barysiuk (CTO&co-founder of PandaDoc) on the topic “From COVID to War: Organizing work in turbulent times”.

The world changes so fast that you cannot predict what will be around the next corner. In PandaDoc we are familiar with turbulence environment and became an experts in overcoming such challenges.
COVID, Belarus revolution, Russian-Ukraine war: this all happened during last 2 years with our R&D centers. During our talk we will cover structural and managerial decisions that helped us to make a great performance and became a billion dollars evaluated company.

It is important for leaders to take a comprehensive approach to change initiatives, anticipate risks and rethink their workforce management which can help tackle challenges, help their team adjust to any changes that may come, and move forward in a positive direction.

Event Language. Please, notice this event will be held in English. There won't be any translation into your native language.

Guest speaker:
Sergey Barysiuk, CTO and co-founder of PandaDoc


Agile Coach | Керуючий партнер | Certified Scrum Professional® в ScrumAlliance

Рекомендованные мероприятия

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