Книги по Скрам и гибкой разработке | Scrum Україна - тренінги, навчання та сертифікації Agile, Scrum, Large-Scale Scrum

Books on Scrums and Flexible Design

The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radially Successful Businesses

Eric Ries

We are used to thinking that processes and management are something boring and dull, and startups are dynamic and fun, where there is no place for any rules. However, just the opposite is true: the creation of a startup should be subject to a clear methodology that has strictly defined steps. The main idea of the “economical start-up” method developed by Eric Rees is to quickly test new product ideas on real consumers and constantly adjust the business model in order to start large-scale investments only when the idea is confirmed by facts. Whoever has already read this book speaks of it like this: if you are an entrepreneur, urgently drop everything, sit down and read! And do not be confused by the words “business from scratch” in the title. Entrepreneurs are in spirit in different companies, and any business, both small and large, needs to be able to constantly analyze the business model and make timely adjustments to it.

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